Sunday, July 18, 2010

BBQ and Pool Party

On Eli's birthday Whit had the day off and we had a get together with some of the ER docs he's working with now. I didn't get any pool photos (darn it) but the kids both had a BALL in the pool. Then they played on bikes and stuff at the Halls' house. They have a neat setup--5 acres on the river.

Here's Jenny Hall (a doc with Whit, the one who's waving) and the cutest pregnant lady in the world is next to her--that's Brooke, whose husband Drew works with Whit.

We walked down to the river with their dog Darby--she is an amazing ball hound! Eli is holding a ball flinger.

Here comes Darby with the ball...

I am including the next two photos so you can note something. I am obviously trying to take a photo or two. Dora is trying her hardest to plunge into the COLD water.

WHEEE, Mom and Dad are both distracted, so let's head into the water!!

I had to physically stop her from plunging in! What a little water nymph. Seriously, the entire 3 hours at the pool she was struggling to have me let her go and just let her dunk herself in the water. CRAZY!

Gorgeous, isn't it??

We had cake at the party in honor of Eli's bday. Can you tell? Haha.



Grandma Carla said...

Maybe you should get Dora a swim vest thing like Ang got for the twinners. Looks like she is bound to be in the water or bust!

Cassidy said...

looks like fun!!! happy birthday eli!!!

[BrookeO] said...

Cute little Eli - what a fun afternoon/evening huh?!

And that pic of me...oh gag!

zerry ht said...

Aww! Such an adorable kid. I was just looking for some nice venues in NYC online but it was great coming across this post. I got amazing ideas for my niece’s birthday. I love her a lot and I really want to plan a nice party for her. She is going to turn three this year.