Friday, August 16, 2013

Panama City Day 3

Okay so maybe I have photos from our second day on my phone?? I dunno, but I don't have any on the nice camera.  So here's day three.  We went to the big wave beach by car (since we were on the Bay).  The kids had a fun time, but Emma stayed at the resort with Tessa.  (I did keep Tessa one day so Emma could go on the last day to the big beach.)  

We had a great day.  Eli and I spent all day looking at fish and looking for shells and such.  I was underwater almost the whole time.  Whit watched Dora and Emmy on the sand.  Good man.  

I thought this one looked really cute, all grainy because she's covered with sand!  
 Here's Whit.  He got in the water, too.  Beautiful water, by the way.  Pretty steep incline once you get in the water, though.  Pretty significant undercurrent.  All in all, it might not have been bad we were on the Bay! Ha.
 Dora being cute.
 That's a good man, right there.  Pink goggles, ladies and gentlemen.  Pink.  Good dad.
 Loving my surfer girl!
 Eli never left the water.
 Daddy being cute during mandatory get-out-of-the-water-and-have-snacks time.
 See, Whit got a shot of me out with the kiddies.  Did I mention I got stung with a jelly fish??
 We had fun in our room.  I took the big ones to see a movie.  Once?  Twice?  At least once.  We also got lots of redboxes and ice cream.

Love this shot of Emmy being just like her dad.  Cute!
 Dora watched Tessa the whole time.  (Haha, kidding, but she does love her sister!)
 Uncle Brian had lots of girls to love on him.
 And the kids got some time on Dad's fancy new iPad.  WOW, can you tell they were excited??

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