Friday, August 16, 2013

Emmy turns TWO

I cannot believe my tiny little angel is two.  I remember being sick as a dog in Oregon while I was pregnant with her!  I remember showing our house in Oregon while she was like a week old and then moving with her cross country at six weeks and pumping in the car.  And for four more months in Texas while I remodeled the house (in large part by myself.)  I remember her not crawling until she could do it perfectly and not walking until last week.  (Just kidding--but it was LATE.)  Emmy will not be rushed.  She eats slower than any other kid I've seen but she is one of these special little people who takes life one step at a time and loves all of it.  I love her for making me slow down.  What an adorable, sweet, special little angel.  She certainly loves her mommy.  And I have to say, it's nice to have a kid who has a preference for me, even if Dora does, too.  After Eli, I want my kids to want me to the most! 
We did a rainbow themed party for her because she has no idea what she wants yet and I saw cute decorations at Target!  We only invited like 3 people to her party because let's be real... at Two they have no clue! 
 We played in the trampoline!
 Dora was an angel, as always.
 Emmy and her pal Emma.
 Tessa was there.  Colin loved the "baby."
 Sydney and Linsey came, too.
 Dora opened all her presents for her.

 Emma (my sister) made all these special rainbow cupcakes.
 Emerald doesn't really get it yet, but she blew out the candle (with some help from Dora.)
 YUM!   I think the party was a success.
 Later we went swimming, and then opened family presents when Eli was home from school.  (He missed the "baby" party during the day and was a big boy about it.)
 Happy birthday, my adorable little angel baby!

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