Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Giant's Causeway (back to Ireland on Day 4)

We stayed the night at a really cool bed and breakfast in the middle of absolutely nowhere in the Scottish highlands.  

We left early the next morning to make it back down to the ferry to Ireland.  We almost hit some sheep!! 

 I loved this sign!!  It's so funny because that's how they'd say it there, but my husband Whit is ALWAYS in a hurry.  He's always so worried about being late.  So for me, the sign has DOUBLE meaning.  Slow down Whit.  No rush.  ;)
 I talked the restaurant people on the ferry into giving me the leftover sausage.  The boys both ate them!

We stopped to get fish and chips on the coast.  We drove down the coast the whole way to get to the Giant's causeway.

 While we were eating fish and chips, we saw a guy on a motorbike up on the wall.  We were wondering how he'd get down.  He just drove off!

 Nice view!

I LOVED the Giant's Causeway.  It has lots of legends and fables about Finn McCool.  (Not spelled like that, but that's how it sounds.)  Basically, in the photo below, he rode a camel out to get home that he won in a bar.  That's the rock formation.  Then later on, he and a scottish giant fought back and forth (an ugly lout of a giant--ha!) and that caused all the cool stones, etc.  The stories are pretty funny.  

We had a neat guide who talked to us via these little earphones.
They have this tiny wishing well with lots of stories linked to it too.
I tossed some money in there for kicks.  I'm sure they come clean it out and make a killing.  LOL.

The rocks are really neat--they formed half concave and half convex.  They're really interesting.

There's this special seat you're supposed to sit in and wiggle three times and you get a wish.  We couldn't quite figure out where it was so Brian and I tried a few spots.  Whit was getting antsy to leave! haha.

I mean, that just looks cool!!

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