Sunday, September 27, 2009

the Park and a Monkey Suit

Before you get to see the photos, you have to read a story. Eli is learning new words right and left. FINALLY! :-) And the day before yesterday we had another break through. I asked Eli if he wanted to take a nap with Momma. (I was really tired.) Well, he said no, of course. I was doing something for the baby and noticed it got really quiet. It only gets quiet in two circumstances around here--first, Eli is asleep. Second, he's getting into something and is elated enough to be quiet. (Or wants to avoid attracting mom's attention so he gets stopped.) I was pretty worried it was the latter.

When I walked the downstairs and couldn't find him, I decided he must be in his room. So, I put the baby down (making sure her room was clear) and then went to his room. Not there, and still totally quiet. Then I checked the last remaining place--my room. There he was, curled up on my bed, under the covers on Whit's side with his tiny hand lying on my pillow. He had taken me up on the nap, even sleeping on the right side. This is more impressive if you have seen my bed. It's HUGE--I mean, it's impressive he can even get up on it. It's a Cali King, 4 poster bed that's at least 4 feet off the ground! I have to hop to get into it!

A good mom would have run downstairs to get the camera to document his cuteness. I was SO tired (I am sick) that I just lay down next to him and went to sleep. I woke up an hour later to someone tiny saying, "Boo!" with animated glee. Ha. What a cutie.

Now on with the photos. Here's one I took of a cariacature we got done in Sea World. I love to get these done--it's a particular weakness I have. I loved this one, except the guy took some creative license with my chest! O.o Just avert your eyes! He did great with Dora and Eli, though!

We went to the park yesterday, before Eli got sick. Dora and Eli had a ball!

It is PERFECT weather here!

He is such a big boy!

Now every time we drive anywhere, he insists on sitting in the car for like an hour after we get home. To keep him from crying when I pry his little paws away from the car (he sits in the driver seat!) I have to distract him. Who would have thought that suggesting dress up in the Halloween costume for this year would work so well. He wore it all day! Cute, huh?


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Bridget, I like caricatures too. That is a fun one.

Grandma Carla said...

Love the story and the pictures. Pretty lucky that he could fit into that monkey suit. He looks mighty cute in it. (Your picture of the caricature came out really great!)

Clint said...

I love the monkey suit! Is the banana attached?!?! Eli is so stinkin' cute to insist on wearing his monkey suit ALL-DAY long. Gear up now for trick-or-treating; that little boy is not going to want to come home. And I totally love the caricature - I've always wanted to do one of those. (LINSEY)

Lynn said...

I think Whitney's caricature is a perfect fit. The whole family is darling. Can I go next time? Please?