Friday, February 12, 2010


I ate chocolate cake for lunch today.

What?? I went to Body Pump and the kids are at the sitters b/c I am working, so it's not like Eli could see me setting a bad example!

It's WAY better with whole milk, by the way. (Which we are now switching Dora to!)

Also, one more random thought. I was driving home from the sitter's today and I realized. A lot of words describing talking (or the lack thereof) have qs. Loquacious, Quiet, Eloquent, Querulous, and so on. Weird!


Grandma Carla said...

Chocolate cake and milk - the quintessential snack. Odd about the qs isn't it? (oh, and the word verification for me to comment on your musing over qs, is qkasel...

eden&mike said...

You must have been thinking "Wow, Eden sure talks alot. I can never leave her house when I drop the kids off. How annoying. She is so_______!" (fill in the blank with your thought of word, that describes talking too much). Im sure that is why you were pondering about that.