Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The (Many) Faces of Emmy (And a few of Dora too)

MAN OH MAN... I LOVE the age Emmy is at now.  It's just bad luck that two of my kids (Eli and Emmy) have spent the vast majority of my favorite age with a brand new baby around to suck up all my time.  I determined I had to snap at least a few cute shots of her though.  I did get a few.  This kid cracks me up ALL DAY LONG... I seriously cannot GET ENOUGH!!! 

She has learned to WINK.  It's SO SO cute.  She completely has no idea when to do it or how to use it but she does it all the time and thinks it's great we find it funny.  

 CRACKS ME UP!  Can I also just mention she LOVES to have her hair done?  She brings me hair stuff (usually non-matching) all day long and wants me to do it.  She will pull it out only so I can do it again.  She will stand or sit patiently while I yank on her hair to do it.  WHAT a girly girl!
 She was not eating ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING at any meal.  She threw everything down and screamed.  We wrote it off to teething (eye teeth are the pits) and she WAS teething but we finally decided it might have been because she didn't want to be in her high chair while everyone else was at the table.  That made a BIG improvement.
 Little IMP!
 See my fork, mom?
 Chubby cheeks!

 MOUTH full of fun! 

 AH she loves her sister.  Dora is liking her a little more every day.  I can't wait until they are friends.  Dora's been SO LONELY since Eli started school...

 What a gorgeous big girl!
 Love that goofy fake grin and those big blue eyes.
 My little cutie!!
WE LOVE YOU EMMY! You brighten my day, every day!

1 comment:

Grandma Carla said...

No doubt about it, Emerald is absolutely darling. (Dora and Eli are too, but Emerald is at a very charming age.)