Eli and Dora love their dad--Oh, how they love their dad. He plays and plays and plays. I can see why they love him so much. I thought to grab the camera last week and got one small shot of him playing. He and Eli have this new game called pillow throw--think duck hunt but with Eli running back and forth and Whit lobbing pillows at him as he runs past at top speed. It's really funny! You'd think Eli would hate getting beaned but he begs for it. Whit obliges. I really need to get a video. This tiny guy's grin is so funny!!

He is such a ham. I should also mention he can write most any letter now (knows them all, big and small and the sounds they make) and we've begun trying to read easy books. He is VORACIOUS in his appetite for knowledge, limited only by his own mother's exhaustion in dealing with such a little sponge brain! :-)

Dora gets cuter every day--and I don't think it's just because I'm her mom. She does things that are just so cute. She crawled up on the table the other day and was posing for me. So I grabbed the camera and took a few shots. Too bad I'm a terrible photographer.

Dora's eyes are just SO blue! I mean, Eli's are too, but not that blinding blue of Dora's.

Awww, hugs. Eli is such a good sport to put up with her pouncing on him and hugging him.

The other day I decided to make a peach pie. Pretty, no? It was SO good, too! I was taking it over to a friend's the next morning and heard it shifting in the back. I stopped to get the mail and opened the back to make sure it wasn't leaking and it fell (with only two pieces missing) onto the ground, shattering. SO SAD!
That's the saddest pie story EVER!
I love Dora's poses. She and Eli are too cute!
Eli and Dora are so cute! I love the poses Dora gave you - what a little cutie-pie...and speaking of pie - that's lousy what happened to your peach pie.
I love the pictures of your kids. Seriously cute kids!! However, get out from behind the camera will ya? Show us that baby belly!!!
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