Friday, December 18, 2009

Isadora's 10 month Stats

The fact that I am posting 10 month stats shows what a bad mom I am... Dora missed her 9 month appt and I had to set another one up. With our travel schedule, that put us a month behind. Whoops.

I am happy to announce that she is:
21 pounds
31 inches tall
47 cm head

For those of you not conversant in baby that means:

I can turn her around to face forward in two months when she hits a year. She is in the 85% for weight (she has dropped one standard deviation there.) She is FAR FAR over the 97% in height (about the size of an average 18 month old baby) and she has a huge noggen. It's over the 97% too, so she has lots of big brains! But we already knew that.

Isadora, also unsurprisingly, let the doctor poke and prod her without complaint. She is the HAPPIEST, most pleasant baby I have ever seen and I am SO Blessed to be her mom.


1 comment:

Grandma Carla said...

What a sweetheart! Tell her Lerdleluh is so proud of her...