Wednesday, December 11, 2013

RIchmond 1st Christmas Party and Dee's Baptism

Whitney ran his marathon on Saturday morning in 36-39 degree weather.  He made it in 4 hours and 17 minutes.  I am so proud of him!  Then he and Eli drove straight back and they met us at the Ward Party.  It was a Pajama Party--Polar Express!  The food was great. 

Look how happy the babies are to see their dad! 

 Neither would give up their place on his lap so he kept them both close, feeding both of their greedy faces!!

 Miss Rachael came and sat by us to help out!
 Emmy was even being nice to her sister! Miracles happen!
 Look at these two cuties!
 Sunday was a LONG day.  Neither of the girls got a nap and we went straight to our dear friend Dee Forshee's baptism in Katy after church.  I gave a talk on baptism (based on Elder Bednar's talk about pickles) and I gave her a jar of olives because I didn't have any pickles in my cabinet!  Oh well.  Then she was baptized.  Emmy kept crying and yelling after that about how me, Whit, her, everyone really, should get in the water.  Ha.  I think she thought it was a huge tub.

Here's Dee and her friend Natalie (who set her up with Brian) who is in the middle there.
 Me and Dee!

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