Monday, January 5, 2009

Dads Say the Darndest Things

Ah, the things dads say... Whit works nights this week, and he went into the bathroom to, you know. Anyway, I am cooking in the kitchen (around the corner) and I hear, "Eli, to most people the bathroom is a private thing."

If you have kids you will know my reaction! I couldn't stop laughing. Mostly because of the way he said it, but also because I have not have a private moment in the bathroom in ... well ... since I can remember!! Eli wants to be wherever I am, so I am never left alone!! It was hilarious, at least to me. I thought I would share...


Grandma Carla said...

Love it - very funny!

Anonymous said...

Very funny. I always have two little babies it the shower with me and so I don't think I remember what privacy funny! I can imagine Jesse having said something similar...