Thursday, November 20, 2008

Whit's Award!!

So, guess what!? Whitney just got an award!! He was the 4th Floor Doctor of the Month!! Apparently, it was awarded on the basis of his "Team Work, Communication Skills, Receptiveness to Nursing, Patient Care and Wonderful Bedside Manner..."

He DOES have a wonderful bedside manner!! ;) Hehehe

I am so proud!



Cassidy said...

hahahaaa! Good job whit!

Unknown said...

YEAH WHITNEY! That's fantastic! I always knew he was amazing!

Grandma Carla said...

Hooray for Whitney! He's a winner in every category and it's nice that someone at work gives him some much deserved recognition!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Love your bedside manner quip, Bridget!

Yay, Whitney!

eden&mike said...

you crack me up, Bridg. Congrats Whit!

Dan and Dee said...