Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Brian's wedding

We went up to Utah for Brian's wedding.  We had a great time.  Friday night was the rehearsal dinner.  It went wonderfully, at the Joseph Smith Building.  Food was great, and the company was even better!  

 Saturday morning we drove out to Orem and got breakfast with Justin Pinegar (Whit's friend for years and also our sister-in-law's brother!)  Then we went into Provo visit BYU.  
 Here I am in front of the law school.
 At Varsity Theater!
 And after our trip to the bookstore, here we are in front of the law school again.

Here are a few more shots of the weekend from my iphone.  First, rehearsal dinner.   
 Now here are Whit and Justin at Joe's.  The food was amazing!
 A few selfies I took before the ceremony at the SLC temple.

 The bride and groom exiting the temple!
 The groomsmen.
 The cake at the stunning reception at La Caille.
 Brian's groomscake.
We had so much fun!

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