Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Emmy Bemmers

I haven't done so great at taking photos of Emmy.  I know it's harder with three, and I have a whole bucketful of excuses but rather than trot those out, here are some photos I have been trying to snap more often.  

She's just ALMOST crawling--scoots around and twists and rolls to things.  She makes the funniest noises and faithfully says mama when I leave or walk anywhere.  It's really cute!  I love this little tyke so very much!  I wish she'd stop pooping in the middle of the night every night, though.  

Oh and she's getting (a very little) bit of hair!! :-)

Oh and I know it's too many photos and they all look basically the same but I wanted them all and it's my blog dang it.  :-)  Also, if you knew how many I DIDN'T post you'd feel better about how many I did. 

 Love this one.

 After church a week or two ago I tried to get the kids to smile.  Here's what I got.  Sadly not much.

 I love when they get big enough to sit in a chair!!

 The big kids got a little jealous of all the time Emmy was getting in front of a camera, so I snapped a few of them too.


Cassidy said...

That Emmy is a cutie! I love her smile when she's on the couch with Eli and ISA. ;)
Look at her hair! I'm in love.
We miss you guys.

Grandma Carla said...

Not too many pictures - feel free to post more if you want! I love looking at them!