I am finally four months along. The nausea is mostly gone, HOORAY! I am not showing too much yet, but here's my tummy at 16 weeks... (Yes, Eli is in his spiderman costume again--don't judge me.)
Dora being cute. She was clinging to my leg!
Oh and we painted Dora's toes for the first time. She's really excited about it and if you comment on them, she'll hold her feet up for you to see and wiggle them around! It's really cute.
Oh Bridget, you look so cute! I do see a LITTLE baby bump. It should be much bigger - you are 4 months pregnant!!! Skinny Minnie. :o)
Oh, congratulations on number 3! That's exciting. Merry Christmas.
Aunt Lynn
Ok you look great! And just so you know Emree has worn her Halloween costume a lot so I am definitely not judging :). Merry Christmas!
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