Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Grandma (Lerdle) comes to town

My mom is here visiting (it was supposed to be a working visit to help me with the new baby, but HA, silly Isadora is still hiding.) My mom has still been working hard, of course, because it's my mom, and she just does that (dishes, laundry, bathrooms, watching Eli, etc.). We have also taken some fun photos--which I finally downloaded to the computer. Also as a side note, Eli has named my mom Lerdlele... He says it every time he sees a photo of her, he calls to her and he even cries for Lerdlele when he gets mad at me! He already knows grandma is nice...

The first one is from my mom's train to get here. She flew into Philly and then very nicely took the train to get to Harrisburg so we didn't have to go far to pick her up! So nice!

The next is for those few of you clamoring for belly shots. My mom insisted on taking one. Ick!

The next is because Eli looked so cute--I confessed in a comment on Angela's blog that he eats breakfast sitting in front of the TV. Occasionally he wants to sit on my lap while watch TV and eating breakfast. Cute, huh?

Then here are some of a trip we made to a playground in the mall by Bass Pro. He loves the fish and this playground, too.

Finally, Linsey's post inspired me--he likes our shoes we keep by the front door. Just the other day he put on my shoes, then got my purse and carried them all in to my mom and I in the office!! He was ready to go! Ha! I think it is so funny he and Hayley are doing the same things. I haven't heard that Hayley gets mom's purse yet, though so, watch out Linsey. :-)


Anonymous said...

First off, you don't even look like you are due---seriously is this the same size you were with ELi? Pretty sure I was more than double that size and my babies total weighed less than 10 lbs...hmm lay off the veggies and eat more ice-cream. So funny that Eli loves shoes, Joc and Jesse are very into this as well, I should do a post about it! And, they have the purse thing down too...

Clint said...

Love the picture of Eli with your purse and shoes on! Hayley hasn't grabbed my purse yet because all I carry around now is that dreaded diaper bag. Oh, I do miss my Monsac purses. But the other day I caught Hayley (after she took all her clothes off) running around completely naked with her two purses, one on each shoulder. If only I could have snapped the photo in time . . . Linsey

Unknown said...

You look great! Seriously, you're gorgeous - a perfect example of what pregnancy should look like. I hope you have the baby soon while your mom's there - can't wait to see how adorable Isadora is. Talk soon hopefully! Erika

Seth & Courtney said...

I was hoping to see picture of a new baby girl today, so I'm really hoping that you're not seven days past your due date. But then again, babies know when they are ready to be born. It's just unfortunate that it's usually way past when their exhausted Mommies are ready. (Merrick came 5 days late) In any case, it's great that your Mom is there to help out in so many ways that only a Mom can (like providing more purses for Eli to tote around!) Too cute!