These are clearly a little older, but my mom took them with her camera and just sent them to me. The first is me and Dora on the day we went home from the hospital, and the second is the same day just after we made it home.

Of course, I have to include a sleeping one... She sleeps all day and is up all night. AGHHH!!!
I snapped a few while Dad was holding her... so here is one of those.
Whit has the week off, and Eli has taken full advantage by playing trains with him every day. Isn't this cute? Clearly he's having a good time.
Here is a photo of the four of us my mom took before she left to go back home on Sunday morning. Eli's in pajamas, but you can tell he's happy!

Also a two points of interest--I was released from my calling teaching gospel doctrine. It is a relief, since I wasn't sure what I would do when Whitney had to work with two little ones at church by myself, but I am also sad. I have been teaching Sunday school almost since moving into the ward, and it's strange not to have a lesson to prepare. I feel like I am missing out on the learning I was forced to do each week!
The big news though, which Whit insisted I bury at the bottom of the post, is that Whitney was named Chief Resident for next year!! It's a pretty big honor, and I am really proud of him. It will mean more work, but I think he will learn a lot, too. Congratulations Whitney!! Your family is so proud!
One last thing... Here is a video of Lila opening her presents with Eli's help. Her birthday is in March, but since she's out here visiting, we celebrated it a bit early.