The second day we went to see the Academia, which I also bought a guide for. It was really cool. There were some weird paintings. Like this one of Jesus and Mary looking like emaciated wraith/zombies. Weird. And it's by a famous guy, too. Lippi or Perugino. Anyway it was weird.
This is a really famous sculpture, the Rape of the Sabine Women. It was beautiful in a disturbing way. They really captured the horror in the woman. This is the hall where the David is. It also houses the "slaves" a commissioned project by Michaelangelo, but that wasn't finished, so they're in various stages of completion and you can see how they're being carved from the stone. It was really fascinating.
Coolest of all was the David. It was beautiful, stunning, amazing. I can't describe it, the feeling, not really. It's vast. So much larger than I thought, and I'd seen lots of photos. It's three or four times taller than a man. The detail is ... indescribable. I tried to take photos and I can remember how I felt when I see them, but words fail me. It was beautifully housed and you are just utterly able to see it and experience it, in spite of the crowds, which isn't possible with paintings. It was ... so cool. Coolest five minutes of the trip, maybe.
Look how cool it is that the slaves are crawling out of the stone.
Yes, that's me in front of the David. WOW.
I liked this one where Mary is holding down a rope to help people get up to heaven. Of course, they're a bit confused. That's really Jesus' job, but still.
They had a strativarius! Two actually, but pretty cool, huh?