Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Random Photos (Sunday, etc).

Emmy and Eli and Dora were being so cute on the stairs... I tried to snap some shots.  Dora, however, did NOT want any photos.  SO I cropped her out and just got some of Eli and Emmy.  
 You can see Dora in her funk a bit here... she was mad Eli was in the  middle. She wanted to be in between Eli and Emmy.  What a diva.
 You can see how Emmy loves and leans on Eli... and what a sweet brother he is to her!
 Then Dora was SO sad to have missed out on the photos... so we took a few more with a newly happy Dora. (Eli let her be in the middle.  He's so nice to her--he lets her have her diva way most of the time.)

 Look at my cutie, Emmy!
 Love those big blue eyes.


Cassidy said...

Their outfits are cute!

Grandma Carla said...

You got some really cute pictures of those little tikes! Love them - saved them to a file!