Friday, January 13, 2012

Poor Poor Emmy.  She got pink eye.  Then during that ordeal a fleck of something got stuck in her eye (we never figured out what) and it stayed in for a few days.  Finally we took her to an ophthalmologist who was able to numb her eye, have me hold her down and put this thing in to hold her eye open.  Then he took this little poker and pulled the thing out.  WHEW! Now we are on our last day of antibiotic drops and finally this mess will be over!  We love you Emmy.  So sorry your eye was in such bad shape.  

This photo was after the pink eye was gone but you can see the fleck on the left eye (right side of this photo) and it's just to the left of the pupil on the cornea.  It's rectangular.  Poor little girl!  We were so glad to get you fixed up and back to normal.