Sunday, February 17, 2013

Clozzard the Lizard

Eli wanted a lizard for Christmas.  He got a little terrarium.  We caught two little lizards in our garage who were hibernating.  We'd read that you can't keep two males together because they fight.  One lizard we caught was tiny.  One was big.  They are green when they are happy.  We tried feeding them dried food but they wouldn't eat it.  We had to go to Petsmart to get live crickets.  The big one was like a ninja eating the live crickets.  We were worried the little one would die.  We had to put her in a separate container to eat the crickets.  She wouldn't eat them in the terrarium--the big one ate them all.  We knew the big one was a boy because he puffed out this thing under his head.  We assumed the little one was a girl because they never fought.  

After three weeks of them in the terrarium... we put 4 crickets in there and finally, Lizzie, the girl, tried to eat a cricket in the main terrarium.  Clozzard,  the big one, attacked Lizzie.  That's when we realized Lizzie was Lyle.  He'd been brown for weeks and we couldn't figure out why.  It was a BOY lizard.  They never fought because (I assume) Lizzie was so small he just hid all the time and never challenged Clozzard.  We moved him to the cricket house and he's been bright green ever since.  It explained SO MUCH!  I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it before.  Until I had that information, I didn't understand the situation.  

Anyhow, we did finally release Clozzard and pick up a girl we found outside--we named her Chloe and she and Clozzard are such good friends that I wouldn't be surprised if we saw baby lizards soon... 

I was kind of dreading having lizards, but I am surprised.. .I think I like Clozzard more than Eli does.  Here's a few shots of him eating a cricket! It's so cool!! 

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