Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I phone photo dump!!

I haven't blogged from my phone in aeons. So I'm way behind. Like from the summer. Sheesh.

This was right before Emmys first birthday.
On her birthday I flew out to
Vegas for a girls weekend. I saw Maren, Erika, Eden, and Jen.

Then my cousin megan came out so whit and i actually went on a fee dates!!!

Here we are at papadeaux.

We made unicorn poop cookies! :)

We played a ton with the waterpark.

I took Eli and Dora on mommy kid dates. Eli wanted to get ribs at chilis. Then we went to rent a movie and watched it in the mancave.

Dora and I got regular pedicures.

Dora let me start doing her hair.

Emmy was cute... We went to the bluebell factory with cousin Megan.

Emmy ate her first Popsicle.

We went to church.

We played at letdleluh's house.

We failed at making our own lollipops!

We did fireworks. Including snakes and smoke bombs.

We drove in Megan's new car to the reunion in la.

Eli was sad to leave.

The kids slept on the way home.

Whit had a birthday and got a really deficient cake.

Emmy learned to climb onto sofas.

We went to Nathan and Alexa's birthday party.

Emmy refuses to walk (even still).

We finished reading the book of Mormon and had a chuck e cheese party to celebrate.

Whit got a ton of tickets from some shooting game.

Dad played Simon says with the kids.

More pedicures. Emmy wanted her foot in too.

We went to Moses lake.

Dora learned to write her name.

Emmy wants to be karate baby.

Kanga showered with whit.

Eli started school!!! Kindergarten!!

The big kids had dart gun wars.

Dora started preschool.

We had fall food to encourage fall weather. (it didn't work!)

Emmy got 5 shots so we all went to get hibachi.

Uncle Brian moved out and met kanga.

Daddy's two big kids got really tall.

I made lots of jam. Mostly raspberry. Yum!

Emmy fell in love with corn on the cob!

We went with Brian and lerdleluh to the zoo!

We fed the giraffes. Dora was giddy. Emmy was excited until the first giraffe started eating with long tongues.

Emmy and Dora got new hats!

One night I found Dora asleep here!!

We went to get cupcakes.
I gave Emmy one. In the car.


Lerdleluh and papa had a cat have kittens at their house.

The kids were over the moon!!

Emmy had a rough patch with molars coming in. But then she got happy again. Man she loves to sit on me and whit's laps.

Still not walking!!

We had lerdleluh over for her birthday. Eli helped me make her a special chicken pot pie.

We went to lupe tortilla for lerdleluh's birthday too.

We made play dough. With dads help...

We got cotton candy at the county fair. Emmy wasn't sure at first but warmed to it fast!

Emmys getting so cute and so big!!

Swimming in October!! Brrr!

We tried Emmys costume on to see if it fit. She hates the hat part but wouldn't let us take it off! My little kangaroo!!

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Pembrooke Dr,Richmond,United States


Alisha Oldroyd said...


Grandma Carla said...

What a fun post - sort of like a whirlwind tour through your summer and part of your fall!
I love it, do some more!