Saturday, October 27, 2012

Random I phone photos

Well I don't want another 200 photo blog post so here's October on my iPhone.

During conference, Emmy fell down the stairs!! Poor little peapod!! She banged her eye and got a bloody nose!

Dora got some new clothes and asked us to take photos.

Emmy can have pigtails-- so cute!

Dora has another new outfit.

Emmy-- so cute! So proud to climb on things herself.

Kanga got a new house she loves!!

We had jack o lantern pancakes.

Emmy likes mr. potato head's accessories.

Papa and lerdleluh bought her bracelets and a purse. She lives them.

We went to orange leaf. Yum.

Dora is gearing up for Christmas.

Fun with the girls at lupe tortilla for lunch.

Emmy decides she loves papa and starts bringing him books over me.

I am ginormous!!

Dora helped me pick out a dining set. It's on order ! Thanks Lins for saving us like $1500!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Grandma Carla said...

So many good pictures! Fun to see the adventures from the month.