Monday, August 6, 2012


We have spent a lot of time swimming this summer.  (Well since March, so this "Texas" summer.)  Ha.  Eli has gotten so good at swimming without floaties.  He can now do the freestyle crawl and a doggie paddle.  He's so comfortable with having his face in the water. 
 Dora still prefers to use floaties, but she's really comfortable with anything in the water, too.  I bought her several swimsuits but her favorite is still the one Hayley left here sometime last year.  It's old and stretched but Dora loves it.  Haha.
 Whit plays with Emmy a lot.  She has long since refused to go into this floatie, but I got some photos of her in there actively playing with dad.

 What a funny little girl!
 I love this man.  He makes everything worth while.
 Here's my other (tiny) man.  I sure love him too.  He's been really good this summer.  I'm sad he's going to school soon!
 Here he is swimming.  Big boy!
 My two little angels on the inflatable slide.

 Not ready to go in yet, mom!!
 Okay, five more minutes in the pool... Haha.

1 comment:

Grandma Carla said...

Love the picture of Emerald in the floatie reaching up toward you. Fun pictures!