Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cousin Megan

Cousin Megan came to visit.  The kids were so excited.  Emmy played baby bat, puppy, kitten, bear and dog all the time.  Here she is being a dog with Foxy's toys in a basket.  They keep putting Foxy in that basket, poor dog.  Anyhow, isn't she cute?? 

 Here's my little Bee.  I had to move her into 3T clothes.  I am so sad she's growing up! Also, I just moved her into 2T like a few months ago!  She must have hit a big growth spurt.  Sheesh.   Look at that golden hair and those baby blue eyes!
 Have you ever seen a lovelier baby??
 She looks like a little girl here and it kind of hurts my heart.
 Love those baby blue eyes.  Here she is hugging on our darling cousin Megan.  She stuck to her like glue and was devestated when she left.  I am so sad I didn't get more photos while Megan was here.  We went to Tucanos, worked out, went to get Mexican food, had family pizza nights, fun at All Stars grill, got donuts and ate innumerable donuts.  We miss you already, cousin Megan!!

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